Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Business Casual???

I have to tell about this because it has been very entertaining in my mind but I can't share this in the Ukraine as I don't know how it would be recieved.
The CNFA briefing book, this is suppossed to be the bible for all volunteers, says to dress very businesslike for seminars and to still dress business casual for meetings. Before I go on I have to say that this booklet must have been written by a blind and deaf person. It says to bring candies and chocolate and lots of ink pens. I looked in a cabinet in the apartment and there is a stock of these things abandoned by other volunteers. I have eaten some of the most amazing chocolate here and pens are not an issue. The booklet needs an overhaul.

Back the the attire issue. The girls in this office are very beautiful. One came to my desk to chat yesterday. Pardon my frankness because I am a girl but she looked HOT. Mini-skirt, high heels, makeup. I immediatly picked up my purse because I was sure we were finally going somewhere fun to party. No, my hopes were dashed, she had a very important luncheon at the embassy(watch out Ambassador).

This gives a whole new meaning to business attire. In the U.S. this outift could have been business just something different. I've gotten used to it by now and wish I could throw on a miniskirt or two.(watch out Rotary, I'm shopping for business outfits today)!!


Gary said...

Roxann, See if Lena wants to grow cotton? If she does she needs to sign up for pool in April. Spring will probably be here when you get home.I guess the blog hatchet man got my last one as it never showed up. Teach em well. Gary

Gary said...

Roxann,Ask Lina if she would like to plant cotton. If she does tell her she needs to sign up for the pool by next month. I believe Spring will be here when you get back. I guess the blog hatchet man got my last blog as it never showed up,or could have been my computer skills. Teach em well! Gary

Jill said...

You need to buy a miniskirt - even if its just a keepsake! Thats a great story :)